Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I think it's official...

Wayfarers are no longer hipster (and thank god. I was beginning to think I was starting to look like one).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Where Is My Robot Maid?

Earlier today I finally made the decision to clean my room because it looked like a fucking crack den and I needed to study, and a crack den isn't exactly the kind of environment that encourages a good work ethic. Then I thought, "oh wait a second, I fucking hate cleaning. I sure wish I never had to do this bullshit." Then I started thinking about when I was a kid, and I remembered all the cool things I thought we'd have in the "future." Well, the "future" is here and it turns out my seven year old self had some ridiculously high expectations.

Okay, I'll admit we've come a long way since I was seven. We've got flat screen televisions, ipods, stoves that can boil water in 90 seconds, cell phones that can browse the internet, and our computers don't have 8 inch black and white screens any more, but we're living in the 21st Century now. These are the times when all those science fiction movies I watched as a kid were set, so my inner child is wondering, where are our flying cars, and especially where are our robot maids?

The closest thing we've got is a Roomba, which is convenient but (even with a hastily added MSPaint hate and apron) it ain't no Rosie from the Jetsons.

I'm probably asking for too much anyway. Based on my current experience with technology a robot maid would probably be more trouble that it's worth. You'd ask it to tidy the living room and ten minutes later it would be mopping the carpet and vacuuming the hardwood. Or maybe it would get frozen washing one window in a loop and then you'd have to grab a screwdriver and remove the battery and start over. Then ten minutes before an Christmas dinner it would suddenly need to restart to install some “important” updates.

Also, let's not forget that it would only be a matter of time before they had us cleaning their houses. I forgot to mention up there that most of those futuristic movies with the robots, and the lasers, and the flying cars usually take place in some sort of horrible apocalyptic wasteland, so maybe fifteen minutes to clean my room isn't so bad after all.

Also, please enjoy this video of Asimo falling down the stairs as a reminder of just how far we've got to go until we get all that awesome Jetsons shit:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Who Watches the Watchhmen?

So we saw Watchmen on Friday night. It wasn't sold out, but it was pretty packed. There was no one really dressed up, just a couple of smiley face pins and a girl who squealed at the end of the Wolverine trailer. I could go on about how much I loved the movie, but that's already been done to death on the internet. Instead of writing a review, I'm just going to point out a very astute and hilarious observation we had while watching the movie: Apparently, Laurie Jupiter is such a fucking hipster.

Hat, tilted back on head to allow for optimal view of blunt bangs? Check. Pair of Ray-Ban Wavers? Check. Leather coat? check.

Black leggings? Check. Shoes? Check.

She might as well be Erin from The City. JS.