Thursday, August 13, 2009

What (I'm) Turning #whoreallycaresanwyay

Kid Sister - "Right Hand Hi"

Damn, it's sure been a long time since one of these posts went up. In part, because we're lazy, but also because it's just been a long time since I heard a new song I liked enough to take a minute to write about for this blog that no one reads. So please, enjoy some of what certain people I know might call "some hipster bullshit."

It's been a while since Chicago's Kid Sister hit the mainstream with her Kanye West assisted "Pro-Nails," but it seems she's kept herself busy. I know this track was sitting on top of the Hype Machine a couple of weeks ago, but in case you slept on it, give it another shot. It took me a couple of listens to warm up to, but with it's simple hook and dance floor appeal, it makes for a perfect end of Summer jam. Hopefully this is a sign that her debut is finally going to drop, because I feel like I've been waiting on this one for way too long.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Old Skool Joint of the Week #6

Lately, I haven't even had to put my "OMG THE 90S" playlist on shuffle to pick a song to post up on here. The universe just keeps throwing them my way. It's like the world knows I'm on some kind of serious nostalgia trip this summer.

You may have noticed that I've got a soft spot for cheesy dance music. You know, the kind of stuff you might find on a Dance Mix 90-something cd, or the kind you might find the Butabi brothers jamming to at the Roxbury. As for this song, I basically forgot it even existed until a DJ decided to throw it on while I was out last weekend. So please, crank up the volume and take a few minutes to reminisce and enjoy:

Max-A-Million - "Fat Boy"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Funny People? More Really Fucking Annoying People.

This morning (well at noon, but that's morning to me) I went with my fellow blogger to check out Judd Apatow's latest offering Funny People. Two and a half grueling hours later all I got was a shitty bag of popcorn and a strong desire to get my $12.50 back. I'm just going to cut right to the chase here since two years of film studies taught me that I don't actually like writing about movies all that much and present my complains in convenient list form.

-Apatow seemed to have a knack for making movies that were full of hilarious comedy but still managed to have lots of heart. This one had neither.
Enough said.

-The stuff that's supposed to be funny isn't, and the parts that are supposed to be dramatic aren't compelling.
The laughs were few and far between, but there were plenty of moments where I felt like I was supposed to be laughing but I wasn't. I felt like all the stand up scenes were supposed to be funny, but I know that if I saw half that shit in a comedy club I wouldn't even crack a smile. The parts that were supposed to evoke some kind of emotional response were just stagnant as fuck. Not once did I ever really care about these characters and what they were going through. Sandler's character was such a jerk I almost just wanted him to hurry up and die. And I never wanted Seth Rogen to get the girl. That was just fucked up.

-It tries to be two things at once and doesn't do either of them particularly well.
Funny People is both a look at a group of guys trying to make it in the business, and a story about a guy dealing with his own mortality, unhappiness, while trying to win back the love of his life. The A story and the B story never really seemed to gel. Sometimes I felt like I was watching two completely different movies.

-People have occasionally complained that Apatow doesn't know how to write female characters. I'm starting to agree with this.
Seriously, what the fuck was with Leslie Mann's character? How did she not smack Sandler in the face when he didn't tell her immediately that he was getting better? How did she even temporarily think it would be a good idea to run back to him? And most importantly, why the fuck wasn't she funny? It just feels like such a huge fucking waste of talent.

-This movie had no business being two and a half fucking hours long.
If I'm going to sit my ass in a movie theatre chair for that long I better be getting some epic shit. I'm talking Lord of the Rings or fucking Titanic level epicness. I really don't understand how anyone sat in an editing room and decided that every single one of those scenes needed to stay in that movie. Especially all that shit of Adam Sandler's character's movies. One or two scenes of him waxing nostalgic, or a few posters in the background would have been fine. I did not need to see so much of the baby man or that merman fuckery. Especially when the merman did nothing but remind me of an actually funny movie you may have heard of called Zoolander.

I get that the title was trying to be ironic, I'm even a total sucker for movies that get slapped with the "dramedy" label, but this was just one big ol' bloated mess.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Little More Personal (Raw)

It's no secret. We've been obsessed with the fuckfest that is the Samantha Ronson & Lindsay Lohan show (we now live in a world where it's appropriate to put Sam on top [dirty] billing --sorry Laloo), ever since... well, it seems like forever. As such, we feel it's fitting that we finally make our Top 5 "SamanTAH" Judith Ronson and "LinZEE" Dee Lohan Paparazzi Videos.

Number 5: "She's on my property, I don't know her, I want her out."

The most recent addition to our list of magical moments. The video speaks for itself and while T may find this hard to watch, I think its hysterical, not only because I'm a heartless bitch, but because I love when Lindsay gets her mom voice going. This breakdown comes second to her breakdown in Labor Pains where she loses her mind and takes a ballon and shoves it under her dress after her sister rips apart her fake belly. I know they're not really the same, and they really should not be placed in the same category, but I really just wanted to recount my favorite part of, what I maintain is, an amazing movie.

Number 4: "Linzee, why are you crying?"
Also pretty recent, this video came in light of one of their bigger break ups, you know, the one that warranted a restraining order? Good times. It was this video that brought us the now ubiquitous* "Linzeeeee" and "Samantaaaaah" cries of hilarity. How amazing is it that the true stars of this video are the paparazzi's accents? Oh, hollywood.

*I use this word pretty loosely, because by ubiquitous, I only mean to me and T. To the rest of their world it's "What kind of crack[s] are you smoking?"

Number 3: The Early Years.

This video is from pre-rehab Lohan, pre-Sam and Lilo, pre-leggings, pre-restraining order, pre-"Uck"/"come at me bitch", pre-everything really. While not quite quotable, the video is amazing nonetheless, for three reasons: 1, it showed us that Samantha Ronson dances like a ridiculous white girl; 2, Lindsay Lohan knows all the words to her songs; and 3, it gave us our blog name.

Honorable Mention: STRANDED.

It was hard for us to place this one on the list, because it's not as quotable as one would assume, but to leave it off would make this post incomplete. The video is pretty self-explanatory. But I think what I like most about what this video has brought to my life, is the fact that when I was in Vegas last month, I stopped in the middle of my tracks and said to myself "Is... this... omg. YES. THIS IS WHERE SHE LEFT HER." (On a day to day basis, I don't refer to them by their names, just "she" and "her," because I'm too embarassed to let people know how much I discuss their never ending love story). It really was a shining moment in my life.

Number 2: "OW! OW! OW!"

I cannot tell you how long we laughed when we found this video. We're not really sure how we found it, but I'm guessing a certain livejournal community kept dropping the words "MOVE BACK AND CALM DOWN" here and there, driving me to type "lindsay lohan + move back and calm down" into google. The rest is quotable history.

Number 1: "Samantha! STOP IT!"

Easily one of the most quotable paparazzi videos of all time. To this day, everytime we hear Timbaland's The Way I Are, we squeal with laughter. We just can't seem to STOP IT. (WHAT).

Sources: x17online, tmz, hollywoodtv, splashnews, youtube, myspace, internet.