Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008. (We're both too tired to be clever.)

This list is a random assortment of stuff that happened to us, and happened to some of our favourite celebrities (because let's face it, our lives aren't really that interesting).

01. Met Samantha Fucking Ronson

Life changing moment. She played Kristine's fucking song. [EDIT: THE MUSIC HAD STOPPED, AND SHE SAID "WAIT, I NEED TO PLAY ONE MORE SONG" LEANED OVER HER COMPUTER AND POINTED AT ME AND SAID "THIS ONE'S FOR YOU" AND I DIED] Epic is not a strong enough word. Video of said moment here:

02. T.I. Got out of jail. Remained sexy while doing so.

03. We went home

Yeah, we're not really from there, but New York felt more like home than this stupid city ever has. And yeah, that is one of us sleeping under a map. And no, I'm not going to explain how that happened.

04. Twilight

Where can we even begin with Twilight? I can't even count the lulz that this book and movie brought. It also introduced the world to the wonders of RPattz and KStew so we can't exactly say we're complaining.

05. Move Back and Calm Down

06. Hit a Paparazzi

In case you haven't noticed, yeah, we kind of like Lindsay Lohan. I can't seem to find any good of video of this incident, but it gave us the photo for our header and that's good enough.

07. Cannes

This was sort of the definitive moment for one of our favourite celebrity couples of the year. Thanks to these photos, a thousand "I hug my best friend all the time and we're not lesbians" conversations happened, and many, many lolz were had.

08. Got a pair of Supras

This may not sound like a big moment, but we had to run all the fuck over New York to find a pair in the right size. It also kickstarted a serious and expensive obsession.

09. The Rachel Zoe Project airs. It's bananas amazing. We die.

10. Mary Kate wears a hat that makes her look like she's from a Shakespearean tale

11. Sarah Palin puts Alaska on the failboat. Meanwhile, Tina Fey becomes like, really famous.

12. Colin Powell, Oprah, and Jesse Jackson make Kristine and Tahnee cry. A lot. For real. Like buckets. For days.

13. Mariah Carey is epic. Gets fed by french woman. Marries Nick Cannon (not so epic).

14.Radar posts questions from Scientology. Scares Kristine. Gives Tahnee Tom and Katie nightmares.

15. Jennifer Lopez had babies. Remained frighteningly before doing so.

For the record, neither is Tahnee.

16. Kristine and Tahnee discover the lohan kareoke video.

17. Beyonce stays Beyonce. Remains epic while doing so.

18. The Dark Knight comes out. Confuses the hell out of Kristine.

19. T.I. makes Whatever You Like. Dedicates it to Kristine (in her mind).


20. Lauren Conrad figures out she's a lesbian. Oh wait, that's next year.

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