Saturday, February 28, 2009

No one on the corner has swagga like Kurt

YA BURNT. (literally)
ROASTED. (literally)

Have you guys ever seen the 1991 film Backdraft directed by Ron Howard and featuring an all-star cast of Kurt Russel, Billy Baldwin, and Robert DeNiro? Because if not, you should get on that. It's some Oscar worthy shit. I mean, some real Godfather Pt. II quality filmmaking. You see, it's this harrowing tale about these two brothers who are firefighters, and their father was also a firefighter, and they're trying to stop this arsonist who's on a rampage. Then some stuff happens and there's this great training montage. To be honest, I don't know how it ends because I never got that far, but I'm sure that whatever happens it's really awesome and involves a lot of fire.

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